Empowering Plan Members -
Helping Plan Members Make Better Surgical Decisions in Their Own Self-Interest Based on Education & Preparedness
Over 10 million plan members have access to the health literacy platform BeneWize provides the self-funded market. This direct-to-consumer company provides an online surgical shared-decision support (SSDS) program that can:
Educate your plan members to the risks and benefits of common preference-sensitive surgeries*
Reduce your clients' surgery spending by helping plan members and their doctors identify inappropriate surgeries**
Lower your clients' medical costs by improving outcomes for the 75% of preference-sensitive or elective surgeries that are appropriate
Enjoy ROIs, ranging from 400% to 1600%***
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We make it easy for self-funded groups to implement this program:
Immediate aggregate factor reductions making the program effectively free to your clients
Billing as a claim using a HCPCS Code under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and IRS regulations
Decision tracking of plan members - having surgery, not having surgery, or choosing an alternative treatment
* Elective procedures with 2 or more viable, non-surgical alternatives
** When risks outweigh the benefits of surgery, those procedures are considered inappropriate and unnecessary
*** Analytics validated by clients' actuaries and independent firms